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Latest Blog Posts

Imaging Office Systems Launches Blockchain Cloud Storage

Imaging Office Systems Launches Blockchain Cloud Storage

Imaging Office Systems announces the rollout and availability of a new blockchain-powered cloud storage solution on the Ethereum blockchain, in cooperation with Storage Fleet LLC, which promises enhanced security, speed, and cost effectiveness for Imaging Office...

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Records Retention and Document Retention Software

Records Retention and Document Retention Software

Imaging Office Systems can help you with records retention and document retention on a large or small scale. Hyland's OnBase platform utilizes data to help you keep your retention records for the needed amount of time and then purge data. The Hyland OnBase software...

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Imaging Office Systems Introduces New Website

Imaging Office Systems Introduces New Website

Imaging Office Systems is proud to present a brand new website for July of 2021. Over the past 50 years, Imaging Office Systems has provided the latest in content and information management to business both small and large. In 2021 Imaging Office Systems introduced...

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