What Is the Best Data Management Software for K-12 Schools?

by | Jan 24, 2019

Administrators and teachers in K-12 schools now require technology that streamlines their access to and control over data. That’s why many are using SIS software such as Skyward SIS within their working roles. This technology allows educators to pull reports, gain access to student information and boost their productivity.

Without document management software that sorts content automatically, it can still be difficult to maximize time using SIS technology. Our team has decades of experience in the implementation of document management software. In this new post, we’ll explore more about the value that the latest software can bring to your school.

Reduce Physical Storage Costs with ECM

ECM (enterprise content management) systems are now helping educators across the country consolidate the costs of maintaining a physical storage site. Physical storage areas have a broad range of related costs. For example, schools must pay more to build a larger facility for the storage. But they must also pay for further security to protect the physical storage spaces. This means that schools can save thousands of dollars by scanning their documents and storing them through an ECM.

Another associated cost of having physical storage is the amount paid to staff for filing paperwork. Staff spend hours per month filing hard copies of important documents. Using ECM, the storage and sorting process can be automated once the document is scanned or imported electronically. Staff can simply scan/import the information and then rely on access to the data at their convenience, independent of time and location considerations.

Instant Access to Actionable Data for Decision-Makers

Actionable data is how organizations grow. Gaining access to this data means organizations can make more effective decisions based on the latest trends. Integrating your ECM with SIS technology will provide key stakeholders throughout your organization with instant access to the most valuable data. They will be able to compare and contrast documents showing student performance, for example, thereby determining how best to allocate resources moving forward.

Automate Key Tasks to Enhance Productivity

A key advantage of integrating SIS software with an ECM is that it allows your team to automate many of their working processes. Workflow automation can be achieved by setting tasks within the ECM and then having the technology disseminate the tasks to all key stakeholders. In a deadline-driven industry such as education, this level of automation is helping teams maintain their focus and meet productivity goals set by management staff.

For example, documents regarding student performance that might be sent regularly between administrators and teaching staff can be sent automatically at a specific time. The ECM will alert the recipient that a new document has arrived for their review, ensuring the staff member doesn’t miss out on any key details.

Shared Workflows Across Locations

With school administration teams often traveling between locations throughout the week, data access is a critical consideration. Pairing SIS technology such as Skyward with your ECM will help ensure that data is easily shared with the right people on your team. This process is ideal for sharing content quickly and effectively. It also means that stakeholders can work together on projects through the ECM and make notes that are visible to other key members immediately.

Empowering school administrators in this way can support team productivity and minimize communication issues that can lead to bottlenecks in performance.

Greater Document Security for Students and Staff

Documents on your SIS system must be secured against the latest threats. Integrating your SIS system with an ECM will allow you to set permissions-based access to key documents within your storage system. The ECM will be able to provide historical data on who accessed which documents and on what date, thereby allowing for full compliance with all known data protection regulations and ensuring those who release any private data can be held accountable.

Turn to FileBound to Enhance Your SIS

ECM software such as FileBound has now become a critical tool at the heart of growing educational organizations across the country. By making FileBound the centerpiece to your organization, you can bring separate teams across the organization closer together and consolidate the cost of managing large amounts of school information. Your teams will be more productive, and your data will be more secure.

Our team can help you learn more about the latest benefits of FileBound. To speak with a specialist directly about the product, contact our team at Imaging Office Systems.
